Somalia COVID-19 Situation Report No. 1
• Somalia reported its first confirmed COVID-19 case on 16 March 2020. The number has risen to sixty (60) as of 14 April 2020. UNICEF is currently supporting the Government of Somalia in the implementation of its COVID-19 response in the areas of RCCE, Infection Prevention and Control, Case Management and Surveillance, as well as mitigating the secondary impact of COVID19 on basic services.
• The government has taken precautionary measures closing all schools after the first confirmed case of COVID-19. Approximately 814,000 school children have been affected by school closure. UNICEF is working with partners for the provision of radio education materials to ensure continuity of education.
• Over 100 facilities have been prioritized for UNICEF’s COVID-19 response: 88 for triage & referral and 19 for case management. • 61 Healthcare Providers were trained in detecting, referral and appropriate management of COVID-19 cases including among children, pregnant and breastfeeding women.