RMU Somalia

Risk Management Unit

People receiving a training session.
Photo: © UN Somalia

The Risk Management Unit (RMU) Somalia is a unique entity that was established in 2011 to support stakeholders, across Somalia, to navigate through the risks in the ever-changing operating environment. Its mission is to contribute to positive and effective outcomes for humanitarian-development and peacebuilding interventions in Somalia, by enhancing risk-informed decision making of strategic partners. Structurally, the RMU resides in the office of UN Somalia’s Deputy Special Representative of Secretary General/Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian (DSRSG/RC/HC) Coordinator. This ensures that there is better access, influence and reach to stakeholders that would benefit from RMU’s services.

What we do

The overall objective of the UN Somalia’s Risk Management Unit (RMU) is “Strengthened humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding interventions in Somalia that are informed by risk management best practice.

  • Risk analysis and management support 
  • Enhanced risk management capacity of aid stakeholders across Somalia 
  • Enhanced information sharing between aid stakeholders across Somalia  through    information systems and forums
  • Enhance collaborative risk management across aid stakeholders in Somalia 
  • Contribute to enhanced prevention, detection and reporting of fraud and corruption 
  • Contribute to the efficient use of country systems 
  • Leverage synergies of best risk management practices across UN risk management units 

Services Offered

UN Agencies  
  • Risk Assessment of vendors and partners
  • Access to the UN Risk Working Group and Coordination
  • Access to database of UN vendors and partners (CIMS) that contains information to support due diligence process of partners and vendors
  • Access to Capacity Injection Reporting Tool to map and coordinate professional support being provided to the Government
  • Public Finance Management
  • Support to replication of tools in other countries
  • Risk assessment advice
  • Due diligence support in selection of partners in Somalia
  • Access to Capacity Injection Reporting Tool to map professional support being provided to the Government
  • Risk Management training
  • Risk Management Advice
  • Access to Collaborative Risk Management Forum
Somalia Government and people  
  • Public procurement capacity building
  • Capacity Injection Reporting Tool reports
  • Anti-Fraud joint forums

Forums & Tools

The RMU hosts the following forums:

  • Risk Management, Accountability and Quality Assurance (RMAQA)
  • Collaborative Risk Management Forum (CRMF)
  • Anti Fraud and Anti Corruption (AFAC)

The RMU has developed digital database tools that enhance information sharing, due diligence across the stakeholders, namely:

  • The Contractor Information Management System (CIMS) is a database that holds that enhances the due diligence of United Nations organizations when selecting a partner or vendor to work in Somalia. More>>.
  • The Capacity Injection Reporting Tool (CIRT) is an information sharing database used by the UN, donors and financial institutions to enhance and coordinate capacity support to the Government of Somalia. More >> 

Further Resources

The RMU recommends these standards and associations to support organizations in their implementation of their risk management plans and to promote a shared understanding of the risks and risk management options in Somalia.  

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