Somalia 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan (HNRP)

In 2023, Somalia walked back from the brink of famine due to devastating drought, considered one of the worst in decades, and only a few months later faced the worst floods in generations. Against this backdrop, the 2024 HNRP is:
based on comprehensive needs analysis, with 2024 PiN 17% lower compared to 2023 due to the end of drought but well above the 5-year average.
highly targeted, focusing on areas with high need severity. Resilience, durable solutions, and non-emergency livelihood programming have been excluded to ensure a collective focus on life-saving, life-sustaining, and protection response. This has led to a 32 per cent decrease in the HNRP target and a 40 per cent reduction in financial requirements compared to 2023.
prioritized: 10 (of 74) districts are prioritized for integrated programming from January to March 2024, with a focus on emergency response in the districts most affected by Deyr flooding in 2023.
advancing multi-sector implementation, as per the HCT’s Integrated Response Framework (IRF) and area-based coordination of assistance to newly displaced people and communities in newly accessible areas.
risk-informed: for the first time, readiness and anticipatory action measures ahead of anticipated Gu flooding (late March-June 2024) are explicitly integrated in the HNRP.
advocating for scaled-up development and international financing support to durable solutions, social protection programming, disaster risk reduction and water management, in order to reduce the structural drivers of humanitarian needs.
informed by ongoing HCT efforts to mitigate and prevent the risk of aid diversion and ensure aid gets to those who need it most.
appealing to donors to provide generous funding, taking into consideration significant underfunding in 2023.