Desert Locust Emergency in Somalia (Update 03 | 15 April 2020)

The Desert Locust situation in Somalia remains critical, with second-generation adults laying a new batch of eggs that will hatch and cause numerous hopper bands to form throughout the country. In Ethiopia and Kenya, numerous immature swarms are maturing and will be laying eggs soon. The swarms and subsequent breeding coincide with the onset of the rainy season and crops that are already in the ground are under immediate risk. Intensive monitoring and control operations need to continue in all areas to reduce the impact of Desert Locust on crops and pastures in Somalia. Field surveys in Somaliland, Puntland and Galmudug conducted in the second half of March detected breeding and egg laying. No reports have been received from the southern grain basket. Egg hatching and hopper band formation are expected to occur during April, calling for intensive surveys to track the developing nymphs that should be controlled from late April onwards. Gu rains have begun in all breeding areas and this will ensure the availability of suitable vegetation to sustain the development of this third generation of Desert Locust in Somalia.