Analysis of aid flow data-2014

Aid flow analysis is an integral component of monitoring the implementation of the Somali Compact. In 2014, the Ministry of Finance Aid Coordination Unit (ACU) administered a development partner-survey with the support of the World Bank. Thirty-four bilateral and multilateral agencies and funds reported planned aid (Table 1). In acknowledgement of the unprecedented level of reporting, the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) extends its appreciation to all agencies that provided data to the ACU.
The ACU aid mapping exercise is an interim measure for capturing and analyzing aid flows. However, there is clear need for a user-friendly Aid Information Management System (AIMS) tailored to the needs of the Somali context. As follow-up to this aid mapping exercise, the FGS will conduct a review of its AIMS, with the support of the UN and the World Bank. The technical platform and institutional arrangements for collecting and sharing data will be examined and compared with global best practices in this rapidly evolving field.
Based on this review, a pragmatic strategy for aid flow monitoring will be developed. The improved AIMS will be implemented in time to monitor aid flows for the 2015 annual progress report. Given the global movement towards publishing aid data in an open, standardized format, the improved AIMS will be designed to be compatible with both the national budget processes and international data standards and guidelines.