Aid Flows in Somalia – 2018

Aid to Somalia reached a record high in 2017. Reported official development assistance (ODA) for Somalia totaled US$ 1.75 billion for 2017. With an ODA to GDP ratio of nearly 26% for 2017, Somalia remains highly dependent on aid.
The increase in ODA was primarily driven by the surge in humanitarian support provided in response to the drought. Humanitarian aid for 2017 exceeded US$ 1 billion, based on donor reporting. This is a 66% increase compared with average humanitarian flows reported over the past three years (US$ 608 million annually). The frontloading of humanitarian support in 2017 likely played a significant role in staving off famine in Somalia.
Development aid continues to rise steadily. Reported development aid to Somalia totaled US$ 742 million, a 9% increase over the 2016 total (US$ 681). Total development aid has not declined since 2009, and the stability seen in recent years (notably since 2014) is unusual for a fragile state.
The share of aid delivered on treasury increased significantly. More than US$ 100 million in external grants (approx. 14% of development aid) was delivered through the treasury of the Federal Government of Somalia in 2017. A majority of on treasury grants (91%, US$ 94 million) were delivered through three channels: projects financed by donors through the World Bank Multi Partner Fund (MPF), general budget support provided by Saudi Arabia and sector budget support provided by Turkey
The use of the funds established under the Somalia Development Reconstruction Facility (SDRF) remains low but steady. A reported 20% of development aid was channeled through the funds in 2017, compared with 22% in 2015.
The report provides figures that break down project disbursements by location and pillar of Somalia’s National Development Plan (NDP). The 2017 aid mapping exercise was led by the Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development (MoPIED), with the support of the World Bank and United Nations.