IOM Somalia Strategic Plan 2019-2021

Somalia’s protracted crisis calls loudly for adoption of the New Way of Working. 2 As agreed at the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, IOM is committed to meeting humanitarian needs and, at the same time, reducing risk and vulnerabilities with a long-term view to ending humanitarian needs. Pursuant to the New Way of Working, IOM Somalia will reinforce partnerships with the Government, NGOs and CSOs based on its comparative advantage and shared principles, strengthen local capacities and work with multiyear timeframes to achieve collective outcomes.
In preparing the 2019-2021 strategy3 , IOM Somalia concentrated on the intersection between what the country requires and what IOM is best-positioned to deliver, in line with national priorities and, drawing from its institutional expertise. The Strategic Plan closely aligns with the following key frameworks:
• National Development Plan (NDP)
• United Nations Strategic Framework Somalia 2017- 2020 (UNSF)
• Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)
• Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) framework
• Wadajir National Framework for Local Governance
• Community Recovery and Extension of State Authority/ Accountability (CRESTA/A) framework
• Recovery and Resilience Framework