Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan 2020
The Somalia 2020 HRP targets 3 million people out of a total of 5.2 million people in need (PiN). The total number of people in need has increased by 19 per cent (one million people), from 4.2 million in 2019 to 5.2 million in 2020, while people targeted for assistance has decreased by 12 per cent (400,000 people), from 3.4 million people in 2019 to 3 million in 2020. Whilst the PiN increase was triggered by the deterioration of the situation, largely due to drought caused by late and erratic rains, enhanced protection risks and challenged humanitarian access in conflict-affected areas, the reduction in targets for 2020 is partly due to the change in the methodology used in targeting people for assistance, with more focus placed on prioritisation and targeting. There is also a realisation that many of the people in need, despite their vulnerability level, do not necessarily need humanitarian assistance and would benefit more from development, recovery and resilience programmes.
In line with the “Humanitarian-Development Nexus” and “New Way of Working” approaches, the criteria applied to calculate the number of people targeted assumes that development partners and donors will prioritise interventions and support other plans and frameworks, such as the National Development Plan 9 (NDP 9) the UN Strategic Framework (UNSF) or the Recovery and Resilience Framework (RRF), to address chronic development challenges in Somalia, many of which are also drivers of humanitarian needs. As for last year, development and resilience actors and donors have been involved in the Humanitarian Programme Cycle process, since its onset and launch of the “enhanced HPC approach”. In addition, at the end of 2017 humanitarian and development actors developed four collective outcomes (COs). These COs are valid until 2022 and may, with their indicators, be used as the structural framework for a multi-year response plan with multi-year needs projections in 2021. All projects included in the HRP indicated that they are contributing to achieving the COs (see visual and annexes for detailed information on the CO). Moreover, the 2020 HRP continues to contribute to and promote initiatives related to durable solutions. The recently-established National Durable Solutions Secretariat will play a leadership role in this regard, strengthening the priorities in the NDP 9 and contributing to a collaborative approach between humanitarian and development actors, towards achieving durable solutions to displacement.