Somalia COVID-19 Situation Report No. 3
In Somalia, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases has reached 1,284 with 53 deaths as of 16 May 2020, which marks 60 days since the country has reported its first confirmed case.
The number of children under the age of five admitted for Severe Acute Malnutrition treatment has declined by 5,173 (22 per cent) in April; measles vaccination coverage has also shown a reduction of 6.6 percent in April compared to the previous month’s coverage. UNICEF is closely following up on the secondary impacts of COVID-19 on children and women’s access to essential lifesaving services for further advocacy and support measures.
UNICEF continues scaling up its COVID-19 response through WASH interventions. UNICEF has reached 559,747 people across Somalia with critical WASH supplies since the advent of the pandemic. This includes 310,800 people reached with hygiene kits and emergency water supply over the last two weeks.
Spots werebroadcasted on 21radiostations throughout the country reaching an estimated population of 10 million people. 25,000 posters on COVID-19 prevention were disseminated in Mogadishu and over 30 billboards installed across the country.