UN Somalia Country Results Report 2019

This Country Results Report describes the UN’s collective contribution to Somalia’s peacebuilding and state-building achievements and development goals in 2019. It reports against the second full year of implementation against the United Nations Strategic Framework 2017–2020 (UNSF) and its five Strategic Priorities:
- Deepening federalism and state-building, supporting conflict resolution and reconciliation, and preparing for universal elections
- Supporting institutions to improve peace, security, justice, the rule of law, and safety of Somalis
- Strengthening accountability and supporting institutions that protect
- Strengthening the resilience of Somali institutions, society, and population
- Supporting socioeconomic opportunities for Somalis
Much was achieved over the course of the year which placed Somalia in a strong position to advance on the next stage of the country’s path towards sustainable development.
Significant progress was also made in advancing the UNSF’s cross-cutting issues: 1) gender equality and women’s empowerment; 2) human rights; and 3) youth engagement and empowerment through strengthening and establishing key institutions and platforms, policy and legislative processes, awareness raising, mainstreaming, and programmatic interventions.
In 2019 the total budget across all UNSF Strategic Priorities was US$ 812.7 million, of which US$ 568 million (70 per cent) was delivered during the year, representing a 24 per cent increase from 2018.