Press Release

Federal Government of Somalia and United Nations convene the 2024 meeting of the Joint Steering Committee of the UN Cooperation Framework for Somalia (2021-2025)

02 July 2024

  • The Federal Government of Somalia and the United Nations convened the annual meeting of the Joint Steering Committee (JSC) for the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for Somalia (2021-2025) to discuss the UN’s collective results in 2023 and workplans for 2024 in support of national development priorities. 

The meeting of the Joint Steering Committee was co-chaired by the Minister for Planning, Investment and Economic Development, His Excellency, Mohamud A. Sheikh Farah (Beenebeene) and the UN Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Mr. George Conway. 

His Excellency. Mohamud A. Sheikh Farah (Beenebeene) acknowledged the significance of the partnership in support of Somalia’s development priorities.

   “The Cooperation Framework is a testament to our strong partnership with the UN, driving forward our national development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are committed to ensuring that the progress we make together translates into tangible improvements in the lives of the Somali people,” said, Minister, Mohamud.

Speaking during the event, Mr. George Conway explained the annual Joint Steering Committee for the UN Cooperation Framework provides a platform to take stock and recalibrate our engagement to ensure alignment with the vision and aspirations of the country.

“Five-year plans such as the UN Cooperation Framework are important to hold us accountable to commitments made. Under leadership of His Excellency the President, Somalia is conceiving a centennial Vision 2060 that seeks to capture Somali aspirations for their country. Providing a longer-term vision to guide short- and medium-term efforts will be helpful both in the finalization of the next National Transformation Plan as well as our next UN Cooperation Framework," said, Mr. Conway. 

The UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2021-2025) is the UN's multi-year strategic plan to guide the UN’s collective contribution to the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals in Somalia.



FOR MEDIA INQUIRES: Communication Unit Department, Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development | Email:


Abdilatif Adan, Communications Specialist, UN Resident Coordinator Office in Somalia | Phone: +252614125028 | Email: |

Abdilatif Adan

Communications and Advocacy Specialist

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