Press Release

UNESCO Director-General condemns killing of Somali journalist Mohamud Ali Keyre

31 August 2015

  • The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, today deplored the shooting of journalist Mohamud Ali Keyre in Mogadishu earlier this month and called for measures to improve the safety of media personnel in Somalia. 

“I am appalled by news of the violent death of Mohamud Ali Keyre,” the Director-General said. “It is essential that the authorities do all in their power to stem the violence that is claiming so many civilian lives in Somalia, including a shocking number of media workers. Journalists must be able to keep the public informed without fearing for their lives. A free and independent press is an essential contribution to dialogue and national reconciliation in Somalia.  It is also necessary for democracy and rule of law.”

Mohamud Ali Keyre was killed on 12 August by a bullet shot to his head. The 23-year old journalist wrote for the website  Previously, he had worked as a Mogadishu-based radio broadcaster for Voice of Democracy,  but had to flee to Kenya because of threats to his life. Media reports say that he recently returned to Mogadishu after deciding that the security situation in the Somali capital had improved.

A total of 18 journalists have been killed in Somalia since 2009. They are remembered on the dedicated site UNESCO Condemns the Killing of Journalists.

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